Wednesday 7 December 2016

FIN 516 Week 7 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 7 Homework Problem
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Problem 31-1 on Exchange Rates Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
(Excel file included)
You are a U.S. investor who is trying to calculate the present value of a €5 million cash inflow that will occur 1 year in the future. The spot exchange rate is S = $1.25/€ and the forward rate is F1 = $1.215/€. You estimate that the appropriate dollar discount rate for this cash flow is 4% and the appropriate euro discount rate is 7%.
a) What is the present value of the €5 million cash inflow computed by first discounting the euro and then converting it into dollars?
b) What is the present value of the €5 million cash inflow computed by first converting the cash flow into dollars and then discounting?
c) What can you conclude about whether these markets are internationally integrated, based on your answers to parts a) and b)?
Problem 31-2 on Currency Appreciation Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
(Excel file included)
Mia Caruso Enterprises, a U.S. manufacturer of children’s toys, has made a sale in Cyprus and is expecting a C£4 million cash inflow in 1 year. The current spot rate is S = $1.80/C£ and the 1-year forward rate is F1 = $1.8857/C£.
a) What is the present value of Mia Caruso’s C£4 million inflow computed by first discounting the cash flow at the appropriate Cypriot pound discount rate of 5%, and then converting the result into dollars?
b) What is the present value of Mia Caruso’s C£4 million inflow computed by first converting the cash flow into dollars, and then discounting at the appropriate dollar discount rate of 10%?
c) What can you conclude about whether these markets are internationally integrated, based on your answers to parts a) and b)?
Problem 31-7 on Eurobonds Versus Domestic Bonds Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
The dollar cost of debt for Coval Consulting, a U.S. research firm, is 7.5%. The firm faces a tax rate of 30% on all income, no matter where it is earned. Managers in the firm need to know its yen cost of debt because they are considering launching a new bond issue in Tokyo to raise money for a new investment there.
The risk-free interest rates on dollars and yen are r$ = 5% and r¥ = 1%, respectively. Coval Consulting is willing to assume that capital markets are internationally integrated and that its free cash flows are uncorrelated with the yen-dollar spot rate.
What is Coval Consulting’s after-tax cost of debt in yen? (Hint: Start by finding the after-tax cost of debt in dollars and then find the yen equivalent.)
Problem 31-12 on Credit and Exchange Rate Risk Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
Suppose the interest on Russian government bonds is 7.5%, and the current exchange rate is 28 rubles per dollar. If the forward exchange rate is 28.5 rubles per dollar, and the current U.S. risk-free interest rate is 4.5%, what is the implied credit spread for Russian government bonds?
Problem 30-9 on Forward Market Hedge Based on Chapter 30 Risk Management
(Excel file included)
You are a broker for frozen seafood products for Choyce Products. You just signed a deal with a Belgian distributor. Under the terms of the contract, in 1 year, you will deliver 4000 kg of frozen king crab for 100,000 euros. Your cost for obtaining the king crab is $110,000. All cash flows occur in exactly 1 year.

FIN 516 Week 6 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 6 Homework Problem
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Problem 28-9 on Acquisition Analysis Based on Chapter 28 Mergers and Acquisitions
(Excel file included)
Your company has earnings per share of $4. It has 1 million shares outstanding, each of which has a price of $40. You are thinking of buying TargetCo, which has earnings per share of $2, 1 million shares outstanding, and a price per share of $25. You will pay for TargetCo by issuing new shares. There are no expected synergies from the transaction.
a) If you pay no premium to buy TargetCo, what will your earnings per share be after the merger?
b) Suppose you offer an exchange ratio such that, at current preannouncement share prices for both firms, the offer represents a 20% premium to buy TargetCo. What will your earnings per share be after the merger?
c) What explains the change in earnings per share in part a)? Are your shareholders any better or worse off?
d) What will your price-earnings ratio be after the merger (if you pay no premium)? How does this compare to your P/E ratio before the merger? How does this compare to TargetCo’s premerger P/E ratio?
Problem 16-8 on Managerial Decision Based on Chapter 16 Financial Distress, Managerial Incentives, and Information
(Excel file included)
As in Problem 1, Gladstone Corporation is about to launch a new product. Depending on the success of the new product, Gladstone may have one of four values next year: $150 million, $135 million, $95 million, or $80 million. These outcomes are all equally likely, and this risk is diversifiable. Suppose the risk-free interest rate is 5% and that, in the event of default, 25% of the value of Gladstone’s assets will be lost to bankruptcy costs. (Ignore all other market imperfections, such as taxes.)
a) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s equity without leverage?
Now suppose Gladstone has zero-coupon debt with a $100 million face value due next year.
b) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s debt?
c) What is the yield-to-maturity of the debt? What is its expected return?
d) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s equity? What is Gladstone’s total value with leverage?
Suppose Gladstone has 10 million shares outstanding and no debt at the start of the year.
e) If Gladstone does not issue debt, what is its share price?
f) If Gladstone issues debt of $100 million due next year and uses the proceeds to repurchase shares, what will its share price be? Why does your answer differ from that in part e)?
Problem 16-9 on Financial Distress Based on Chapter 16 Financial Distress, Managerial Incentives, and Information
Kohwe Corporation plans to issue equity to raise $50 million to finance a new investment. After making the investment, Kohwe expects to earn free cash flows of $10 million each year. Kohwe currently has 5 million shares outstanding, and it has no other assets or opportunities.
Suppose the appropriate discount rate for Kohwe’s future free cash flows is 8%, and the only capital market imperfections are corporate taxes and financial distress costs.
a) What is the NPV of Kohwe’s investment?
b) What is Kohwe’s share price today?
Suppose Kohwe borrows the $50 million instead. The firm will pay interest only on this loan each year, and it will maintain an outstanding balance of $50 million on the loan. Suppose that Kohwe’s corporate tax rate is 40%, and expected free cash flows are still $10 million each year.
c) What is Kohwe’s share price today if the investment is financed with debt?
Now suppose that with leverage, Kohwe’s expected free cash flows will decline to $9 million per year due to reduced sales and other financial distress costs. Assume that the appropriate discount rate for Kohwe’s future free cash flows is still 8%.
e) What is Kohwe’s share price today given the financial distress costs of leverage?

FIN 516 Week 5 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 5 Homework Problem
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Problem 25-6 on Purchase Versus Lease Based on Chapter 25
Craxton Engineering will either purchase or lease a new $756,000 fabricator. If purchased, the fabricator will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 7 years. Craxton can lease the fabricator for $130,000 per year for 7 years. Craxton’s tax rate is 35%. (Assume the fabricator has no residual value at the end of the 7 years.)
a) What are the free cash flow consequences of buying the fabricator if the lease is a true tax lease?
b) What are the free cash flow consequences of leasing the fabricator if the lease is a true tax lease?
c) What are the incremental free cash flows of leasing versus buying?
Problem 25-7 on Purchase Versus Lease Based on Chapter 25
Riverton Mining plans to purchase or lease $220,000 worth of excavation equipment. If purchased, the equipment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5 years, after which it will be worthless. If leased, the annual lease payments will be $55,000 per year for 5 years.
Assume Riverton’s borrowing cost is 8%, its tax rate is 35%, and the lease qualifies as a true tax lease.
a) If Riverton purchases the equipment, what is the amount of the lease-equivalent loan?
b) Is Riverton better off leasing the equipment or financing the purchase using the lease equivalent loan?
c) What is the effective after-tax lease borrowing rate? How does this compare to Riverton’s actual after-tax borrowing rate?

FIN 516 Week 4 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 4 Homework Problem
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Problem 23-3 on Implied Price of Funding Based on Chapter 23
Starware Software was founded last year to develop software for gaming applications. Initially, the founder invested $800,000 and received 8 million shares of stock. Starware now needs to raise a second round of capital, and it has identified an interested venture capitalist. This venture capitalist will invest $1 million and wants to own 20% of the company after the investment is completed.
a) How many shares must the venture capitalist receive to end up with 20% of the company? What is the implied price per share of this funding round?
b) What will the value of the whole firm be after this investment (the post-money valuation)?
Problem 23-4 on IRR of Venture Capital Based on Chapter 23
(Excel file included)
Suppose venture capital firm GSB partners raised $100 million of committed capital. Each year over the 10-year life of the fund, 2% of this committed capital will be used to pay GSB’s management fee.
As is typical in the venture capital industry, GSB will only invest $80 million (committed capital less lifetime management fees). At the end of 10 years, the investments made by the fund are worth $400 million. GSB also charges 20% carried interest on the profits of the fund (net of management fees).
a) Assuming the $80 million in invested capital is invested immediately and all proceeds were received at the end of 10 years, what is the IRR of the investments GSB partners made? That is, compute IRR ignoring all management fees.
b) Of course, as an investor or limited partner, you are more interested in your own IRR (that is, the IRR including all fees paid). Assuming that investors gave GSB partners the full $100 million up front, what is the IRR for GSB’s limited partners (that is, the IRR net of all fees paid)?
Problem 23-13 on IPO Based on Chapter 23
Your firm has 10 million shares outstanding, and you are about to issue 5 million new shares in an IPO. The IPO price has been set at $20 per share, and the underwriting spread is 7%. The IPO is a big success with investors, and the share price rises to $50 on the first day of trading.
a) How much did your firm raise from the IPO?
b) What is the market value of the firm after the IPO?
c) Assume that the post-IPO value of your firm is its fair market value. Suppose your firm could have issued shares directly to investors at their fair market values in a perfect market with no underwriting spread and no underpricing. What would the share price have been in this case, if you raise the same amount as in part a)?
d) Comparing part b) and part c), what is the total cost to the firm’s original investors due to market imperfections from the IPO?
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FIN 516 Week 3 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 3 Homework Problem
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Problem 20-6 on Call Options Based on Chapter 20
(Excel file included)
You own a call option on Intuit stock with a strike price of $40. The option will expire in exactly 3 months’ time.
a) If the stock is trading at $55 in 3 months, what will be the payoff of the call?
b) If the stock is trading at $35 in 3 months, what will be the payoff of the call?
c) Draw a payoff diagram showing the value of the call at expiration as a function of the stock price at expiration.
Problem 20-8 on Put Options Based on Chapter 20
(Excel file included)
You own a put option on Ford stock with a strike price of $10. The option will expire in exactly 6 months’ time.
a) If the stock is trading at $8 in 6 months, what will be the payoff of the put?
b) If the stock is trading at $23 in 6 months, what will be the payoff of the put?
c) Draw a payoff diagram showing the value of the put at expiration as a function of the stock price at expiration.
Problem 20-11 on Return on Options Based on Chapter 20
Consider the September 2012 IBM call and put options in Problem 20-3. Ignoring any interest you might earn over the remaining few days’ life of the options, consider the following.
a) Compute the break-even IBM stock price for each option (i.e., the stock price at which your total profit from buying and then exercising the option would be 0).
b) Which call option is most likely to have a return of −100%?
c) If IBM’s stock price is $216 on the expiration day, which option will have the highest return?
Problem 21-12 on Option Valuation Using the Black Scholes Model Based on Chapter 21
Rebecca is interested in purchasing a European call on a hot new stock—Up, Inc. The call has a strike price of $100 and expires in 90 days. The current price of Up stock is $120, and the stock has a standard deviation of 40% per year. The risk-free interest rate is 6.18% per year.
a) Using the Black-Scholes formula, compute the price of the call.
b) Use put-call parity to compute the price of the put with the same strike and expiration date.
Problem 30-14 on Swaps Based on Chapter 30
Your firm needs to raise $100 million in funds. You can borrow short-term at a spread of 1% over LIBOR. Alternatively, you can issue 10-year, fixed-rate bonds at a spread of 2.50% over 10-year treasuries, which currently yield 7.60%. Current 10-year interest rate swaps are quoted at LIBOR versus the 8% fixed rate.
Management believes that the firm is currently underrated and that its credit rating is likely to improve in the next year or two. Nevertheless, the managers are not comfortable with the interest rate risk associated with using short-term debt.
Problem 30-6 on Futures Contract Based on Chapter 30
(Excel file included)
Your utility company will need to buy 100,000 barrels of oil in 10 days, and it is worried about fuel costs. Suppose you go long 100 oil futures contracts, each for 1,000 barrels of oil, at the current futures price of $60 per barrel. Suppose futures prices change each day as follows.
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FIN 516 Week 2 Homework Problem

FIN 516 Week 2 Homework Problem
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Problem 14-11 Based on Chapter 14: WACC and Modigiani & Miller Extension Models With Growth Assumptions
Consider the entrepreneur described in Section 14.1 (and referenced in Tables 14.1–14.3). Suppose she funds the project by borrowing $750 rather than $500.
a. According to MM Proposition I, what is the value of the equity? What are its cash flows if the economy is strong? What are its cash flows if the economy is weak?
b. What is the return of the equity in each case? What is its expected return?
c. What is the risk premium of equity in each case? What is the sensitivity of the levered equity return to systematic risk? How does its sensitivity compare to that of unlevered equity? How does its risk premium compare to that of unlevered equity?
d. What is the debt-equity ratio of the firm in this case?
e. What is the firm’s WACC in this case?
Problem 14-18 Based on Chapter 14: WACC and Modigliani & Miller Extension Models With Growth Assumptions
In mid-2012, AOL Inc. had $100 million in debt, total equity capitalization of $3.1 billion, and an equity beta of 0.90 (as reported on Yahoo! Finance). Included in AOL’s assets was $1.5 billion in cash and risk-free securities. Assume that the risk-free rate of interest is 3% and the market risk premium is 4%.
a. What is AOL’s enterprise value?
b. What is the beta of AOL’s business assets?
c. What is AOL’s WACC?
Problem 15-15 Based on Chapter 15: Debt and Taxes
Acme Storage has a market capitalization of $100 million and debt outstanding of $40 million. Acme plans to maintain this same debt-equity ratio in the future. The firm pays an interest rate of 7.5% on its debt and has a corporate tax rate of 35%.
a. If Acme’s free cash flow is expected to be $7 million next year and is expected to grow at a rate of 3% per year, what is Acme’s WACC?
b. What is the value of Acme’s interest tax shield?

FIN 516 Week 1 Homework Problem

 FIN 516 Week 1 Homework Problem
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Problem 17-7 on Ex-dividend Price Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Natsam Corporation has $250 million of excess cash. The firm has no debt and 500 million shares outstanding with a current market price of $15 per share. Natsam’s board has decided to pay out this cash as a one-time dividend.
Problem 17-15 on Distribution to Shareholders Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Suppose that all capital gains are taxed at a 25% rate and that the dividend tax rate is 50%.
Arbuckle Corporation is currently trading for $30 and is about to pay a $6 special dividend.
Problem 17-19 on Dividend Capture Strategy Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Que Corporation pays a regular dividend of $1 per share. Typically, the stock price drops by $0.80 per share when the stock goes ex-dividend. Suppose the capital gains tax rate is 20%, but investors pay different tax rates on dividends.
Absent transactions costs, what is the highest dividend tax rate of an investor who could gain from trading to capture the dividend?
Problem 23-5 on Preferred Stock Based on Chapter 23 Raising Equity Capital
Three years ago, you founded your own company. You invested $100,000 of your money and received 5 million shares of Series A preferred stock. Since then, your company has been through three additional rounds of financing.

FIN 516 Advanced Managerial Finance

FIN 516 Advanced Managerial Finance
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FIN 516 Week 1 Homework
FIN 516 Week 2 Homework
FIN 516 Week 3 Homework
FIN 516 Week 4 Homework
FIN 516 Week 5 Homework
FIN 516 Week 6 Homework
FIN 516 Week 7 Homework
FIN516 WEEK 2 MINI CASE ASSIGNMENT (3 Different Papers)
FIN516 WEEK 2 MINI CASE ASSIGNMENT -Microsoft Corporation
FIN 516 Week 4 Quiz
FIN 516 Week 5 IPO Paper
FIN 516 Week 8 Final Exam

FIN 516 Week 1 Homework
Problem 17-7 on Ex-dividend Price Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Natsam Corporation has $250 million of excess cash. The firm has no debt and 500 million shares outstanding with a current market price of $15 per share. Natsam’s board has decided to pay out this cash as a one-time dividend.
Problem 17-15 on Distribution to Shareholders Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Suppose that all capital gains are taxed at a 25% rate and that the dividend tax rate is 50%.
Arbuckle Corporation is currently trading for $30 and is about to pay a $6 special dividend.
Problem 17-19 on Dividend Capture Strategy Based on Chapter 17 Payout Policy
Que Corporation pays a regular dividend of $1 per share. Typically, the stock price drops by $0.80 per share when the stock goes ex-dividend. Suppose the capital gains tax rate is 20%, but investors pay different tax rates on dividends.
Absent transactions costs, what is the highest dividend tax rate of an investor who could gain from trading to capture the dividend?
Problem 23-5 on Preferred Stock Based on Chapter 23 Raising Equity Capital
Three years ago, you founded your own company. You invested $100,000 of your money and received 5 million shares of Series A preferred stock. Since then, your company has been through three additional rounds of financing.

(This should be posted in Document Sharing)

Select a major industrial or commercial company based in the United States, and listed on one of the major stock exchanges in the United States. Each student should select a different company. Avoid selecting an insurance company or a bank, as the financial ratios for these financial businesses are different. Write a 7 – 8 page double spaced paper answering and demonstrating with calculations and financial data the following questions:
1. What is the name of the company? What is the industry sector?
2. What are the operating risks of the company?
3. What is the financial risk of the company (the debt to total capitalization ratio)?
4. Does the company have any preferred stock?
5. What is the capital structure of the company?: Short term portion of Long Term Debt, Long Term Debt, Preferred Stock (if any), and market value of Common Stock issued and outstanding?
6. What is the company’s current actual Beta?
7. What would the Beta of this company be if it had no Long Term Debt in its capital structure? (Apply the Hamada Formula.)
8. What is the company’s current Marginal Tax Rate?
9. What is the Cost of Debt, before and after taxes?
10. What is the Cost of Preferred Stock (if any)?
11. What is the Cost of Equity?
12. What is the cash dividend yield on the Common Stock?
13. What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital of the company?
14. What is the Price Earnings Multiple of the company?
15. How has the company’s stock been performing in the last 5 years?
16. How would you assess the overall risk structure of the company in terms of its Operating Risks and Financial Risk (Debt to Capitalization Ratio)?
17. Would you invest in this company? Why? Or Why not?
18. The last page of your paper should be a Bibliography of the sources you used to prepare this paper.
FIN 516 Week 2 Homework
Problem 14-11 Based on Chapter 14: WACC and Modigiani & Miller Extension Models With Growth Assumptions
Consider the entrepreneur described in Section 14.1 (and referenced in Tables 14.1–14.3). Suppose she funds the project by borrowing $750 rather than $500.
a. According to MM Proposition I, what is the value of the equity? What are its cash flows if the economy is strong? What are its cash flows if the economy is weak?
b. What is the return of the equity in each case? What is its expected return?
c. What is the risk premium of equity in each case? What is the sensitivity of the levered equity return to systematic risk? How does its sensitivity compare to that of unlevered equity? How does its risk premium compare to that of unlevered equity?
d. What is the debt-equity ratio of the firm in this case?
e. What is the firm’s WACC in this case?
Problem 14-18 Based on Chapter 14: WACC and Modigliani & Miller Extension Models With Growth Assumptions
In mid-2012, AOL Inc. had $100 million in debt, total equity capitalization of $3.1 billion, and an equity beta of 0.90 (as reported on Yahoo! Finance). Included in AOL’s assets was $1.5 billion in cash and risk-free securities. Assume that the risk-free rate of interest is 3% and the market risk premium is 4%.
a. What is AOL’s enterprise value?
b. What is the beta of AOL’s business assets?
c. What is AOL’s WACC?
Problem 15-15 Based on Chapter 15: Debt and Taxes
Acme Storage has a market capitalization of $100 million and debt outstanding of $40 million. Acme plans to maintain this same debt-equity ratio in the future. The firm pays an interest rate of 7.5% on its debt and has a corporate tax rate of 35%.
a. If Acme’s free cash flow is expected to be $7 million next year and is expected to grow at a rate of 3% per year, what is Acme’s WACC?
b. What is the value of Acme’s interest tax shield?
FIN 516 Week 3 Homework
Problem 20-6 on Call Options Based on Chapter 20
(Excel file included)
You own a call option on Intuit stock with a strike price of $40. The option will expire in exactly 3 months’ time.
a) If the stock is trading at $55 in 3 months, what will be the payoff of the call?
b) If the stock is trading at $35 in 3 months, what will be the payoff of the call?
c) Draw a payoff diagram showing the value of the call at expiration as a function of the stock price at expiration.
Problem 20-8 on Put Options Based on Chapter 20
(Excel file included)
You own a put option on Ford stock with a strike price of $10. The option will expire in exactly 6 months’ time.
a) If the stock is trading at $8 in 6 months, what will be the payoff of the put?
b) If the stock is trading at $23 in 6 months, what will be the payoff of the put?
c) Draw a payoff diagram showing the value of the put at expiration as a function of the stock price at expiration.
Problem 20-11 on Return on Options Based on Chapter 20
Consider the September 2012 IBM call and put options in Problem 20-3. Ignoring any interest you might earn over the remaining few days’ life of the options, consider the following.
a) Compute the break-even IBM stock price for each option (i.e., the stock price at which your total profit from buying and then exercising the option would be 0).
b) Which call option is most likely to have a return of −100%?
c) If IBM’s stock price is $216 on the expiration day, which option will have the highest return?
Problem 21-12 on Option Valuation Using the Black Scholes Model Based on Chapter 21
Rebecca is interested in purchasing a European call on a hot new stock—Up, Inc. The call has a strike price of $100 and expires in 90 days. The current price of Up stock is $120, and the stock has a standard deviation of 40% per year. The risk-free interest rate is 6.18% per year.
a) Using the Black-Scholes formula, compute the price of the call.
b) Use put-call parity to compute the price of the put with the same strike and expiration date.
Problem 30-14 on Swaps Based on Chapter 30
Your firm needs to raise $100 million in funds. You can borrow short-term at a spread of 1% over LIBOR. Alternatively, you can issue 10-year, fixed-rate bonds at a spread of 2.50% over 10-year treasuries, which currently yield 7.60%. Current 10-year interest rate swaps are quoted at LIBOR versus the 8% fixed rate.
Management believes that the firm is currently underrated and that its credit rating is likely to improve in the next year or two. Nevertheless, the managers are not comfortable with the interest rate risk associated with using short-term debt.
Problem 30-6 on Futures Contract Based on Chapter 30
(Excel file included)
Your utility company will need to buy 100,000 barrels of oil in 10 days, and it is worried about fuel costs. Suppose you go long 100 oil futures contracts, each for 1,000 barrels of oil, at the current futures price of $60 per barrel. Suppose futures prices change each day as follows.

FIN 516 Week 4 Homework
Problem 23-3 on Implied Price of Funding Based on Chapter 23
Starware Software was founded last year to develop software for gaming applications. Initially, the founder invested $800,000 and received 8 million shares of stock. Starware now needs to raise a second round of capital, and it has identified an interested venture capitalist. This venture capitalist will invest $1 million and wants to own 20% of the company after the investment is completed.
a) How many shares must the venture capitalist receive to end up with 20% of the company? What is the implied price per share of this funding round?
b) What will the value of the whole firm be after this investment (the post-money valuation)?
Problem 23-4 on IRR of Venture Capital Based on Chapter 23
(Excel file included)
Suppose venture capital firm GSB partners raised $100 million of committed capital. Each year over the 10-year life of the fund, 2% of this committed capital will be used to pay GSB’s management fee.
As is typical in the venture capital industry, GSB will only invest $80 million (committed capital less lifetime management fees). At the end of 10 years, the investments made by the fund are worth $400 million. GSB also charges 20% carried interest on the profits of the fund (net of management fees).
a) Assuming the $80 million in invested capital is invested immediately and all proceeds were received at the end of 10 years, what is the IRR of the investments GSB partners made? That is, compute IRR ignoring all management fees.
b) Of course, as an investor or limited partner, you are more interested in your own IRR (that is, the IRR including all fees paid). Assuming that investors gave GSB partners the full $100 million up front, what is the IRR for GSB’s limited partners (that is, the IRR net of all fees paid)?
Problem 23-13 on IPO Based on Chapter 23
Your firm has 10 million shares outstanding, and you are about to issue 5 million new shares in an IPO. The IPO price has been set at $20 per share, and the underwriting spread is 7%. The IPO is a big success with investors, and the share price rises to $50 on the first day of trading.
a) How much did your firm raise from the IPO?
b) What is the market value of the firm after the IPO?
c) Assume that the post-IPO value of your firm is its fair market value. Suppose your firm could have issued shares directly to investors at their fair market values in a perfect market with no underwriting spread and no underpricing. What would the share price have been in this case, if you raise the same amount as in part a)?
d) Comparing part b) and part c), what is the total cost to the firm’s original investors due to market imperfections from the IPO?

FIN 516 Week 5 IPO Paper
IPO Analysis of Gevo Inc.
Advanced Managerial Finance

FIN 516 Week 5 Homework
Problem 25-6 on Purchase Versus Lease Based on Chapter 25
Craxton Engineering will either purchase or lease a new $756,000 fabricator. If purchased, the fabricator will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 7 years. Craxton can lease the fabricator for $130,000 per year for 7 years. Craxton’s tax rate is 35%. (Assume the fabricator has no residual value at the end of the 7 years.)
a) What are the free cash flow consequences of buying the fabricator if the lease is a true tax lease?
b) What are the free cash flow consequences of leasing the fabricator if the lease is a true tax lease?
c) What are the incremental free cash flows of leasing versus buying?
Problem 25-7 on Purchase Versus Lease Based on Chapter 25
Riverton Mining plans to purchase or lease $220,000 worth of excavation equipment. If purchased, the equipment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5 years, after which it will be worthless. If leased, the annual lease payments will be $55,000 per year for 5 years.
Assume Riverton’s borrowing cost is 8%, its tax rate is 35%, and the lease qualifies as a true tax lease.
a) If Riverton purchases the equipment, what is the amount of the lease-equivalent loan?
b) Is Riverton better off leasing the equipment or financing the purchase using the lease equivalent loan?
c) What is the effective after-tax lease borrowing rate? How does this compare to Riverton’s actual after-tax borrowing rate?

FIN 516 Week 6 Homework
Problem 28-9 on Acquisition Analysis Based on Chapter 28 Mergers and Acquisitions
(Excel file included)
Your company has earnings per share of $4. It has 1 million shares outstanding, each of which has a price of $40. You are thinking of buying TargetCo, which has earnings per share of $2, 1 million shares outstanding, and a price per share of $25. You will pay for TargetCo by issuing new shares. There are no expected synergies from the transaction.
a) If you pay no premium to buy TargetCo, what will your earnings per share be after the merger?
b) Suppose you offer an exchange ratio such that, at current preannouncement share prices for both firms, the offer represents a 20% premium to buy TargetCo. What will your earnings per share be after the merger?
c) What explains the change in earnings per share in part a)? Are your shareholders any better or worse off?
d) What will your price-earnings ratio be after the merger (if you pay no premium)? How does this compare to your P/E ratio before the merger? How does this compare to TargetCo’s premerger P/E ratio?
Problem 16-8 on Managerial Decision Based on Chapter 16 Financial Distress, Managerial Incentives, and Information
(Excel file included)
As in Problem 1, Gladstone Corporation is about to launch a new product. Depending on the success of the new product, Gladstone may have one of four values next year: $150 million, $135 million, $95 million, or $80 million. These outcomes are all equally likely, and this risk is diversifiable. Suppose the risk-free interest rate is 5% and that, in the event of default, 25% of the value of Gladstone’s assets will be lost to bankruptcy costs. (Ignore all other market imperfections, such as taxes.)
a) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s equity without leverage?
Now suppose Gladstone has zero-coupon debt with a $100 million face value due next year.
b) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s debt?
c) What is the yield-to-maturity of the debt? What is its expected return?
d) What is the initial value of Gladstone’s equity? What is Gladstone’s total value with leverage?
Suppose Gladstone has 10 million shares outstanding and no debt at the start of the year.
e) If Gladstone does not issue debt, what is its share price?
f) If Gladstone issues debt of $100 million due next year and uses the proceeds to repurchase shares, what will its share price be? Why does your answer differ from that in part e)?
Problem 16-9 on Financial Distress Based on Chapter 16 Financial Distress, Managerial Incentives, and Information
Kohwe Corporation plans to issue equity to raise $50 million to finance a new investment. After making the investment, Kohwe expects to earn free cash flows of $10 million each year. Kohwe currently has 5 million shares outstanding, and it has no other assets or opportunities.
Suppose the appropriate discount rate for Kohwe’s future free cash flows is 8%, and the only capital market imperfections are corporate taxes and financial distress costs.
a) What is the NPV of Kohwe’s investment?
b) What is Kohwe’s share price today?
Suppose Kohwe borrows the $50 million instead. The firm will pay interest only on this loan each year, and it will maintain an outstanding balance of $50 million on the loan. Suppose that Kohwe’s corporate tax rate is 40%, and expected free cash flows are still $10 million each year.
c) What is Kohwe’s share price today if the investment is financed with debt?
Now suppose that with leverage, Kohwe’s expected free cash flows will decline to $9 million per year due to reduced sales and other financial distress costs. Assume that the appropriate discount rate for Kohwe’s future free cash flows is still 8%.
e) What is Kohwe’s share price today given the financial distress costs of leverage?

FIN 516 Week 7 Homework
Problem 31-1 on Exchange Rates Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
(Excel file included)
You are a U.S. investor who is trying to calculate the present value of a €5 million cash inflow that will occur 1 year in the future. The spot exchange rate is S = $1.25/€ and the forward rate is F1 = $1.215/€. You estimate that the appropriate dollar discount rate for this cash flow is 4% and the appropriate euro discount rate is 7%.
a) What is the present value of the €5 million cash inflow computed by first discounting the euro and then converting it into dollars?
b) What is the present value of the €5 million cash inflow computed by first converting the cash flow into dollars and then discounting?
c) What can you conclude about whether these markets are internationally integrated, based on your answers to parts a) and b)?
Problem 31-2 on Currency Appreciation Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
(Excel file included)
Mia Caruso Enterprises, a U.S. manufacturer of children’s toys, has made a sale in Cyprus and is expecting a C£4 million cash inflow in 1 year. The current spot rate is S = $1.80/C£ and the 1-year forward rate is F1 = $1.8857/C£.
a) What is the present value of Mia Caruso’s C£4 million inflow computed by first discounting the cash flow at the appropriate Cypriot pound discount rate of 5%, and then converting the result into dollars?
b) What is the present value of Mia Caruso’s C£4 million inflow computed by first converting the cash flow into dollars, and then discounting at the appropriate dollar discount rate of 10%?
c) What can you conclude about whether these markets are internationally integrated, based on your answers to parts a) and b)?
Problem 31-7 on Eurobonds Versus Domestic Bonds Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
The dollar cost of debt for Coval Consulting, a U.S. research firm, is 7.5%. The firm faces a tax rate of 30% on all income, no matter where it is earned. Managers in the firm need to know its yen cost of debt because they are considering launching a new bond issue in Tokyo to raise money for a new investment there.
The risk-free interest rates on dollars and yen are r$ = 5% and r¥ = 1%, respectively. Coval Consulting is willing to assume that capital markets are internationally integrated and that its free cash flows are uncorrelated with the yen-dollar spot rate.
What is Coval Consulting’s after-tax cost of debt in yen? (Hint: Start by finding the after-tax cost of debt in dollars and then find the yen equivalent.)
Problem 31-12 on Credit and Exchange Rate Risk Based on Chapter 31 International Corporate Finance
Suppose the interest on Russian government bonds is 7.5%, and the current exchange rate is 28 rubles per dollar. If the forward exchange rate is 28.5 rubles per dollar, and the current U.S. risk-free interest rate is 4.5%, what is the implied credit spread for Russian government bonds?
Problem 30-9 on Forward Market Hedge Based on Chapter 30 Risk Management
(Excel file included)
You are a broker for frozen seafood products for Choyce Products. You just signed a deal with a Belgian distributor. Under the terms of the contract, in 1 year, you will deliver 4000 kg of frozen king crab for 100,000 euros. Your cost for obtaining the king crab is $110,000. All cash flows occur in exactly 1 year.
FIN 516 Week 8 Final Exam

Question 1.1. (TCO B) Which of the following statements concerning the MM extension with growth is not correct?
(a) The tax shields should be discounted at the unlevered cost of equity.
(b) The value of a growing tax shield is greater than the value of a constant tax shield.
(c) For a given D/S, the levered cost of equity is greater than the levered cost of equity under MM’s original (with tax) assumptions.
(d) For a given D/S, the WACC is greater than the WACC under MM’s original (with tax) assumptions.
(e) The total value of the firm is independent of the amount of debt it uses.

Question 2.2. (TCO D) Which of the following statements is most correct?
(a) In a private placement, securities are sold to private (individual) investors rather than to institutions.
(b) Private placements occur most frequently with stocks, but bonds can also be sold in a private placement.
(c) Private placements are convenient for issuers, but the convenience is offset by higher flotation costs.
(d) The SEC requires that all private placements be handled by a registered investment banker.
(e) Private placements can generally bring in funds faster than is the case with public offerings. (Points : 20)

Question 3.3. (TCO E) Buster’s Beverages is negotiating a lease on a new piece of equipment that would cost $100,000 if purchased. The equipment falls into the MACRS 3-year class, and it would be used for 3 years and then sold, because the firm plans to move to a new facility at that time. The estimated value of the equipment after 3 years is $30,000. If the borrow and purchase option is used, the cash flows would be the following: (Year 1) -2,400; (Year 2) -3,800; (Year 3) -1,400; (Year 4) -79,600; all of these cash outflows would be at the beginning of the respective years. Alternatively, the firm could lease the equipment for 3 years, with annual lease payments of $29,000 per year, payable at the beginning of each year. The firm is in the 20% tax bracket. If it borrows and purchases, it could obtain a 3-year simple interest loan, to purchase the equipment at a before-tax interest rate of 10%. If there is a positive net advantage to leasing, the firm will lease the equipment. Otherwise, it will buy it. What is the NAL?
(a) $5,736
(b) $6,023
(c) $6,324
(d) $6,640
(e) $6,972 (Points : 20)

Question 4.4. (TCO I) Suppose hockey skates sell in Canada for 105 Canadian dollars, and 1 Canadian dollar equals 0.71 U.S. dollars. If purchasing power parity (PPP) holds, what is the price of hockey skates in the United States?
(a) $14.79
(b) $63.00
(c) $74.55
(d) $85.88
(e) $147.88 (Points : 20)

FIN 515 Midterm Exam Solution – All Possible Questions

FIN 515 Midterm Exam Solution – All Possible Questions
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TCO G) The firm’s asset turnover measures

(TCO G) If Moon Corporation has an increase in sales, which of the following would result in no change in its EBIT margin?

(TCO B) You plan on retiring in 20 years. You currently have $275,000 and think you will need $1,000,000 to retire. Assuming you don’t deposit any additional money into the account, what annual return will you need to earn to meet this goal?

(TCO B) You take out a 4 year car loan for $18,000. The loan has a 4% annual interest rate. The payments are made monthly. What are the monthly payments? Show your work.

(TCO B) You currently have $10,000 in your retirement account. If you deposit $500 per month and the account pays 5% interest, how much will be in the account in 10 years? Show your work.

(TCO B) You have a two children, A and B. Child A is not going to college but is working in a business to learn the ropes. Child A plans on opening a business someday. Child B is attending college. You put a certain amount of money into an account. From this account, Child B will receive $2,000 per month for the next four years. Whatever is left at that time will go to Child A to help start the business. You want Child A to receive $96,000 at that time. The account pays 7% annually, compounded monthly. How much money do you need to start the account? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $40,000 and has expected cash inflows of $12,000 annually for 7 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s NPV? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $60,000 and has expected cash inflows of $15,000 annually for 8 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s payback period? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $95,000 and has expected cash inflows of $20,000 annually for 9 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s IRR? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $40,000 and has expected cash inflows of $12,000 annually for 7 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s discounted payback period? Show your work.

TCO F) Company A has the opportunity to do any, none, or all of the projects for which the net cash flows per year are shown below. Projects A and C can be done together. Projects B and C can be done together. But Projects A and B are mutually exclusive. The company has a cost of capital of 18%. Which should the company do and why? You must use at least two capital budgeting methods. Show your work.

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 7 Problem Set

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 7 Problem Set
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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_7_Problem_Set.docx (where flastname is your first initial and your last name), and submit it to the appropriate Dropbox.

Chapter 26 (page 903):
1. Answer the following questions:
a. What is the difference between a firm’s cash cycle and its operating cycle?
b. How will a firm’s cash cycle be affected if a firm increases its inventory, all else being equal?
c. How will a firm’s cash cycle be affected if a firm begins to take the discounts offered by its suppliers, all else being equal?
4. The Greek Connection had sales of $32 million in 2012, and a cost of goods sold of $20 million. A simplified balance sheet for the firm appears below:
a. Calculate The Greek Connection’s net working capital in 2012.
b. Calculate the cash conversion cycle of The Greek Connection in 2012.
c. The industry average accounts receivable days is 30 days. What would the cash conversion cycle for The Greek Connection have been in 2012 if it had matched the industry average for accounts receivable days?
5. Assume the credit terms offered to your firm by your suppliers are 3/5, Net 30. Calculate the cost of the trade credit if your firm does not take the discount and pays on day 30.
Chapter 27 (page 925):
1. Which of the following companies are likely to have high short-term financing needs? Why?
a. A clothing retailer
b. A professional sports team
c. An electric utility
d. A company that operates toll roads
e. A restaurant chain
2. Sailboats Etc. is a retail company specializing in sailboats and other sailing-related equipment. The following table contains financial forecasts as well as current (month 0) working capital levels. During which months are the firm’s seasonal working capital needs the greatest? When does it have surplus cash?
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FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 6 Problem Set

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 6 Problem Set
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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_6_Problem_Set.docx (where flastname is your first initial and your last name), and submit it to the appropriate Dropbox.

Chapter 29 (pages 983-984):

1. What inherent characteristic of corporations creates the need for a system of checks on manager behavior?
2. What are some examples of agency problems?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the corporate organizational structure?
4. What is the role of the board of directors in corporate governance?

Second Project

The purpose of this project is for you to have some practice working with financial concepts in the real world.  This will involve integrating some material from throughout the course.  The project will also involve the development of your own approach to doing the work.  The project does not provide a step-by-step procedure for you to follow.
Your task is to determine the WACC for a given firm using what you know about WACC as well as data you can find through research. Your deliverable is to be a brief report in which you state your determination of WACC, describe and justify how you determined the number, and provide relevant information as to the sources of your data.
With the help of your professor, you have selected a company for which to research and find the WACC. Your research is to be independent from any information you may find at or similar sites although you might want to use such sites to provide a reasonableness check on the WACC you calculate.
As you recall, the formula for WACC is
rWACC = (E/E+D) rE + D/(E+D) rD (1-TC)
The formula for the required return on a given equity investment is
ri= rf + βi * (RMkt-rf)
RMkt-ris the Market Risk Premium. For this project, you may assume the Market Risk Premium is 4% unless you can develop a better number.
rf is the risk free rate. The YTM on 10 year US Treasury securities is a good approximation.
You may assume a corporate tax rate of 40%.
One good source for financial data for companies as well as data about their equity is  By looking around this site, you should be able to find the market capitalization (E) as well as the β for any publicly traded company.
There are not many places left where data about corporate bonds is still available. One of them is  To find data for a particular company’s bonds, find the Quick Search feature, then be sure to specify corporate bonds and type in the name of the issuing company. This should give you a list of all of the company’s outstanding bond issues. Clicking on the symbol for a given bond issue will lead you to the current amount outstanding and the yield to maturity. You are interested in both. The total of all bonds outstanding is D in the above formula.
If you like, you can use the YTM on a bond issue that is not callable as the pre-tax cost of debt for the company.
Write a two or three page report that contains the following elements:
  1. 1.     Your calculated WACC.
  2. 2.     How data was used to calculate WACC. This would be the formula and the formula with your values substituted.
  3. 3.     Sources for your data.
  4. 4.     A discussion of how much confidence you have in your answer. What were the limiting assumptions that you made, if any.

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 4 problem Set

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 4 problem Set
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Bonds-1. Interest on a certain issue of bonds is paid annually with a coupon rate of 8%. The bonds have a par value of $1,000. The yield to maturity is 9%. What is the current market piece of these bonds? The bonds will mature in 5 years.
Bonds-2. A certain bond has 12 years left to maturity. Interest is paid annually at a coupon rate of 10%. The bonds are currently selling for $850. What is their YTM?
Bonds-3.  A certain bond pays a semiannual coupon rate at a 10% annual rate. The bond has a par value of $1,000. There are eight years to maturity. The yield to maturity is 9%. What is the current price of the bond?
Bonds-4. A particular corporate bond has a par value of $1,000. Coupon payments are $40 and are paid twice a year. Seven years are left on the life of the bond.The YTM is 9%. What is the price of the bond?
Bond-5. A given bond has 5 years to maturity. It has a face value of $1,000. It has a YTM of 5% and the coupons are paid semiannually at a 10% annual rate. What does the bond currently sell for?
Bond-6. A given bond has five years left to maturity. Interest is paid annually and the annual coupon rate is 9%. The par value of the bond is $1,000. The bond currently sells for $1,000. What is the yield to maturity?
9-1.Assume Evco, Inc., has a current price of $50 and will pay a $2 dividend in 1 year, and its equity cost of capital is 15%. What price must you expect it to sell for right after paying the dividend in 1 year in order to justify its current price?
9-5.NoGrowth Corporation currently pays a dividend of $2 per year, and it will continue to pay this dividend forever. What is the price per share if its equity cost of capital is 15% per year?
9-6.Summit Systems will pay a dividend of $1.50 this year. If you expect Summit’s dividend to grow by 6% per year, what is its price per share if its equity cost of capital is 11%?
9-7. Dorpac Corporation has a dividend yield of 1.5%. Dorpac’s equity cost of capital is 8%, and its dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate. a. What is the expected growth rate of Dorpac’s dividends? b. What is the expected growth rate of Dorpac’s share price?
9-12.Procter & Gamble will pay an annual dividend of $0.65 1 year from now. Analysts expect this dividend to grow at 12% per year thereafter until the fifth year. After then, growth will level off at 2% per year. According to the dividend-discount model, what is the value of a share of Procter & Gamble stock if the firm’s equity cost of capital is 8%?

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 3 Problem Set

FIN 515 Managerial Finance Week 3 Problem Set
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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_3_Problem_Set.docx, where flastname is your first initial and you last name, and submit it to the appropriate dropbox.

Chapter 7 (pages 225–228):

1. Your brother wants to borrow $10,000 from you. He has offered to pay you back $12,000 in a year. If the cost of capital of this investment opportunity is 10%, what is its NPV? Should you undertake the investment opportunity? Calculate the IRR and use it to determine the maximum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimate to leave the decision unchanged.
8. You are considering an investment in a clothes distributor. The company needs $100,000 today and expects to repay you $120,000 in a year from now. What is the IRR of this investment opportunity? Given the riskiness of the investment opportunity, your cost of capital is 20%. What does the IRR rule say about whether you should invest?
19. You are a real estate agent thinking of placing a sign advertising your services at a local bus stop. The sign will cost $5,000 and will be posted for one year. You expect that it will generate additional revenue of $500 per month. What is the payback period?
21. You are deciding between two mutually exclusive investment opportunities. Both require the same initial investment of $10 million. Investment A will generate $2 million per year (starting at the end of the first year) in perpetuity. Investment B will generate $1.5 million at the end of the first year and its revenues will grow at 2% per year for every year after that.
  • a. Which investment has the higher IRR?
  • b. Which investment has the higher NPV when the cost of capital is 7%?
  • c. In this case, for what values of the cost of capital does picking the higher IRR give the correct answer as to which investment is the best opportunity?
Chapter 8 (260–262)

1. Pisa Pizza, a seller of frozen pizza, is considering introducing a healthier version of its pizza that will be low in cholesterol and contain no trans fats. The firm expects that sales of the new pizza will be $20 million per year. While many of these sales will be to new customers, Pisa Pizza estimates that 40% will come from customers who switch to the new, healthier pizza instead of buying the original version.
a. Assume customers will spend the same amount on either version. What level of incremental sales is associated with introducing the new pizza?
b. Suppose that 50% of the customers who will switch from Pisa Pizza’s original pizza to its healthier pizza will switch to another brand if Pisa Pizza does not introduce a healthier pizza. What level of incremental sales is associated with introducing the new pizza in this case?
6. Cellular Access, Inc. is a cellular telephone service provider that reported net income of $250 million for the most recent fiscal year. The firm had depreciation expenses of $100 million, capital expenditures of $200 million, and no interest expenses. Working capital increased by $10 million. Calculate the free cash flow for Cellular Access for the most recent fiscal year.
12. A bicycle manufacturer currently produces 300,000 units a year and expects output levels to remain steady in the future. It buys chains from an outside supplier at a price of $2 a chain. The plant manager believes that it would be cheaper to make these chains rather than buy them. Direct in-house production costs are estimated to be only $1.50 per chain. The necessary machinery would cost $250,000 and would be obsolete after 10 years. This investment could be depreciated to zero for tax purposes using a 10-year straight-line depreciation schedule. The plant manager estimates that the operation would require $50,000 of inventory and other working capital upfront (year 0), but argues that this sum can be ignored because it is recoverable at the end of the 10 years. Expected proceeds from scrapping the machinery after 10 years are $20,000.
If the company pays tax at a rate of 35% and the opportunity cost of capital is 15%, what is the net present value of the decision to produce the chains in-house instead of purchasing them from the supplier?